What Engineers Want From Vendor Marketers and Salespeople

Industrial engineers want vendor marketers to provide information-rich technical content and want vendor salespeople to exhibit strong technical expertise, according to recent research from GlobalSpec and TREW Marketing.

The report was based on data from a survey of more than 800 engineers and technical professionals who work for firms in industries such as engineering services, automotive, energy, aerospace, electronics, and semiconductors.

Respondents say the content types they find most valuable when researching to make major purchases for work are datasheets (77% cite as useful), CAD drawings (45%), and product demo videos (42%).

Some 70% of industrial engineers say one of the things they like most about their favorite work-related email newsletter is that it includes in-depth technical information.

Most (51%) industrial engineers say they do most of their vendor research online but appreciate having a salesperson available to answer questions.

Industrial engineers say they get most annoyed with vendor sales teams when the salespeople/sales resources exhibit a lack of technical expertise.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey of more than 800 engineers and technical professionals who work for firms in industries such as engineering services, automotive, energy, aerospace, electronics, and semiconductors.

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