The State of B2B Marketing Training

B2B marketers are participating in professional training, but too often it's not helping them improve business results, according to recent research from MarketingProfs.

The State of B2B Marketing report was based on data from a survey conducted in November 2021 among 589 B2B marketers—58% of whom are managers—who work for companies that have at least five employees.

Some 70% of B2B marketers report their teams participate in marketing training. However, only 30% say their current training is helping them meet their business goals.

Respondents say the biggest challenges with B2B marketing training is that it is too focused on theory and that they do not have enough time to dedicate to it.

Only 19% of B2B marketers say they feel very prepared for their future in marketing and just 31% their team is very effective in their roles.

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Some 74% of managers say they would like their firm's marketing training to include assessments to see which skills their team needs to learn next. However, only 15% of managers say their firm's training includes these sorts of assessments.

The types of training marketers use are often different than what helps them learn. For example, 70% of B2B marketers say workshops are good for learning but only a third say their firm conducts workshop training.

Most B2B marketers want training to include real-world examples and templates/checklists/frameworks, but most say their training does not include these.

Download the full report to see more results from the survey and learn what your organization can do to stay ahead of the curve.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey conducted in November 2021 among 589 B2B marketers—58% of whom are managers—who work for companies that have at least five employees.

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