The Digital Activities Marketers Are Excelling At and Struggling With

Senior marketers say they are doing a good job of continually testing and iterating on their digital marketing activities but are struggling with integrating all touchpoints, according to recent research from The CMO Survey.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in January and February, 2022, among 320 senior marketers (97% are VP or above) for US-based companies.

Some 67% of respondents say they are continuously testing and iterating their digital marketing. Other digital marketing activities/practices that most senior marketers say their firms are excelling at include understanding the tech roadmap (65% say this is the case) and sharing information cross functionally (62%).

Areas where most senior marketers say they can improve include integrating customer data across all touchpoints (only 28% say they are doing), investing in advanced measurement techniques (29%), and combining digital and offline data to create a unified data foundation (32%).

Some 78% of senior marketers say their firm has been investing in data analytics to improve digital marketing performance, up significantly from the share who said the same in February 2021.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey conducted in January and February, 2022, among 320 senior marketers (97% are VP or above) for US-based companies.

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