The Top Benefits of a Data-Driven B2B Demand Gen Strategy

B2B marketers say the biggest benefits of a data-driven demand generation strategy are better lead quality and better customer experiences, according to recent research from Act-On and Ascend2.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted between January 17, 2022, and January 25, 2022, among 115 B2B marketing professionals.

Respondents say the most important benefits of executing an effective data-driven demand generation strategy are improved lead quality (49% cite as a top benefit), improved customer experiences (39%), increased campaign ROI (36%), and more leads (35%).

Some 95% of B2B marketers believe that demand generation is significantly improved when a data-driven strategy is used.

B2B marketers say the most challenging aspects of using data to drive demand are measuring results (41% cite as a top challenge), making data actionable (39%), identifying target audiences/accounts (33%), and aligning the priorities of Marketing and Sales (33%).

Most (54%) B2B marketers somewhat agree that the quality of their data allows them to make effective decisions on where to spend marketing and/or sales resources.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey conducted between January 17, 2022, and January 25, 2022, among 115 B2B marketing professionals.

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