Why Web Accessibility Is the Ideal Business Opportunity for Agencies

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Marketing agencies of all sizes and specialties have one thing in common: they're focused on client demands that prioritize business growth while pursuing strategic business decisions that accelerate professional success. As part of those strategic business moves, they focus on initiatives, practices, or tools that are motivated by optimal performance results.

One might assume that ensuring Web accessibility—websites that are usable for people with disabilities, as well as legally compliant—is daunting work, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The possibilities and opportunities that Web accessibility has to offer are endless, and advancements in accessibility contribute to the stellar business endeavors you already pursue.

Agencies that have incorporated Web accessibility into their offerings have improved their value in relation to the SEO, development, performance, and design services they carry out for their clients and their websites. That's because accessible sites perform well by extending their reach to 1 out of every 4 people in the US who are living with a disability.

Inaccessible websites hinder the online experience for that significant portion of the population, often presenting unfortunate barriers to otherwise quick and comprehensive interaction that should be crucial to your clients' business growth and your agency's success.

Although Web accessibility used to be a complex task that required many resources, today automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are helping Web accessibility reach new heights; the innovation behind such tools and technology ensures that achieving Web accessibility is now straightforward, efficient, and affordable.

Agencies can benefit from using Web accessibility solutions in four valuable ways.

Four Benefits to Web Accessibility Solutions

1. Attract interest and attention as an inclusive agency

Automatic and AI-powered Web accessibility solutions are disruptors in their field; they make it so agencies such as yours can provide a compliant and effective solution to their clients that makes all their digital assets accessible in a cost-effective manner.

The ability to host such Web accessibility offerings only encourages your reputation as an inclusive agency, as you simultaneously raise awareness and work to provide accessible websites to people with disabilities. The good, reputable name extends to your clients, maintaining a solid reputation that brands them as inclusive, too.

2. Boost website performance

With accessible websites come great user experiences. When powered by innovative solutions that make the user experience more clear, comprehensible, and navigable, websites perform much better than before.

As a result of opening your digital doors to 25% of the population, you and your clients will likely increase website traffic; you'll potential lift dwell time, SEO, and conversion rates; and you'll reduce bounce rates.

Improving the user experience by enabling people with disabilities to customize their online experiences is now possible with Web accessibility solutions such as accessiBe's accessWidget.

3. Mitigate legal risk associated with inaccessible websites

Accessibility is a civil rights issue that should be addressed in the online world. Regional legislations protect the rights of people with disabilities; being aware of those laws would behoove you from a business standpoint as an inclusive agency. It's time to take action and make sure your clients' websites are accessible, so you can mitigate legal risks or the potential for lawsuits that your clients might be subject to if their sites are inaccessible.

4. Generate new revenue for your agency

With every client website that you make accessible, you help that client grow its business and add new streams of revenue. Agencies such as yours are the Web accessibility outlet that packages solutions and services for your client to purchase. That, in turn, generates more revenue for your agency because you're offering Web accessibility as a service to clients the same way you would with development, SEO, and design services. Expect incoming revenue to increase when you become an inclusive agency that creates accessible websites for the clients you serve.

Changing the Game While Doing Good

When you consider the benefits from every angle, you can see that Web accessibility is more than worthwhile—especially when you remember that AI-powered and automatic solutions are driven by modern innovation that makes accessible websites an achievable feat in a short amount of time, and at a small cost.

Adding Web accessibility to your agency's service offerings is a business-friendly decision that comes with immense value, which is hard to ignore.

Agencies, regardless of size or specialty, can have a big impact on the digital landscape by making their clients' websites accessible. Bridging the Web accessibility gap ensures that people with disabilities can participate online and purchase the goods and services your clients have to offer. It's the right thing to do, and it maintains compliance with legislation that requires an equitable and inclusive experience for all.

It's a no-brainer: Through the use of innovative Web accessibility solutions, agencies can help drive business growth and success, for themselves and their clients. Websites perform better, clients form lasting relationships with a new audience, and a large piece of the population now has access to your clients' websites where transactional processes can commence!

Now, that's what we call a win-win.

Join thousands of agencies that offer Web accessibility to their clients today. Book a demo to learn more about accessiBe's Partnership Program for agencies where you can claim your free license.

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