The Video Content B2B Buyers Find Most Helpful

B2B buyers say they find video content most helpful when it educates them about a product/service and when it provides a solution to a problem they are facing, according to recent research from Brightcove and Ascend2.

The report was based on data from a survey of 305 B2B purchase decision makers who work for firms across a wide range of industries.

Some 58% of respondents say one of the ways they find video content most helpful during the purchase decision-making process is when it helps them learn about a product/service.

Additional top ways B2B buyers say they find video content most helpful is when it helps them learn about how to solve a problem they have (40% cite), when it helps them understand a problem they have (36%), and when it enables them to hear what other customers think of a product/service (36%).

B2B buyers say the video content types they have viewed most recently are product reviews (39% who have viewed a video recently say they have watched), product demos (39%), and tutorials (33%).

B2B buyers say video content is most helpful after making a purchase when it helps them learn about other products/services offered by the vendor (49% cite) and when it provides training/onboarding (49%)

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey of 305 B2B purchase decision makers who work for firms across a wide range of industries.

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