Nine Ways Social Media Contributes to Business Growth

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Social media must be an essential component of your company's marketing strategy because it's crucial for reaching out to customers, gaining valuable insights, and developing your brand.

A social media presence and strategy are no longer optional for any business, large or small, if it wants to prosper in today's digital environment.

A full 80% of business executives say social media is an absolute necessity for their business, and 91% of executives say they plan to increase their social media marketing budgets.

Now, let's discuss why social media is so powerful.

1. It increases online presence

If people are unaware of your business, they cannot become your customers. Social media can increase online presence because of its incredible reach: An estimated 4.55 billion people—57.9% of the world—use social media.

That provides a massive audience for you to market anything to anyone. Such an audience can help your brand awareness to skyrocket. Social media platforms such as Instagram report that 60% of users find new products on its platform. Moreover, 33% of online customers say social media is their primary way of finding new products to purchase, according to a study by Growth Gurus.

2. It builds authenticity

Having a large online presence increases not only the brand awareness but also the authenticity of a brand.

Authenticity is an essential for conversion: A full 63% of online customers are more likely to buy from a brand with an informative social media presence, according to Growth Gurus.

Look for ways to display your knowledge as a thought leader in your industry by populating your company's social media with valuable material. Doing so indicates that your company can add value to people's lives, and it will help you develop trust among potential customers.

3. It enhances SEO

After analyzing 23 million social media posts, CognitiveSEO found strong evidence of a link between organic search engine rankings and social media engagement. Shares, likes, and comments are signals that Google and many other search engines use to evaluate search engine rankings.

That's because increased amounts of social media engagement can lead to your brand's being mentioned many times, or to an increase in direct website visits, which is the most important determinant for SEO, according to an analysis conducted by Semrush.

4. It humanizes your business

Humanizing your business is an important benefit of social media. That means your company is more likely to make genuine human connection.

Introducing your followers to the people who make up your organization and demonstrating how customers use and benefit from your products increases conversions. That also contributes to authenticity, and authenticity fosters trust. In turn, trust increases marketing responsiveness and promotes your product more. Social media is the ideal place to be authentic!

You can humanize your brand by demonstrating how you embrace your brand values, how your product works in real life, and how you prioritize the interests of your employees and customers Those are also all excellent ways to increase conversions.

5. It creates a channel for customer support

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Social media platforms have successfully bridged the gap between businesses and their customers. Many people now use Facebook or Twitter to solve problems or locate information rather than phoning a customer support number.

Build your reputation as a caring brand by providing support via social channels and developing a system for tracking customer thoughts, questions, and criticism on social media. Go out of your way to be positive and helpful; your listening to criticism makes customers feel heard.

Fully 78% of customers are willing to buy from a business after a positive experience on social media, according to Sprout Social.

6. It creates opportunities to partner with people

Collaboration with influencers—people who have a significant social media following and can bring that following's attention to your brand—is an effective approach to driving social word of mouth.

You can also network and partner with other companies in your industry. You can appear on someone's podcast, be featured in an article on a company's blog, or use branded partnerships to create cross-promotional giveaways.

Collaboration with other brands and influencers on social media can open doors for company growth.

7. It teaches you about your audience

Social media generates a massive amount of real-time data on your customers—including their demographics, their interests, their buying patterns, and a lot more. You can use that data to make better business decisions.

All major social media platforms include statistics that show demographic data about the people who engage with your business. That can assist you in better modifying your social media marketing plan to communicate directly to your target demographic.

8. It helps you keep an eye on the competition

It's crucial to be aware of what others say about your competition. Tracking competitor mentions, for example, may lead to finding out about issues with their products or services that you can reach out to address, resulting in new buyers.

Also, when your competitors introduce new items, launch discounts, or release new reports or statistics, you'll be informed and you can adapt your strategy accordingly.

9. It provides an ad platform

Social media advertising can be a cost-effective way to promote your product or service and share content. Many social media platforms also provide advanced targeting tools, allowing you to market to your target audience while maximizing your reach.

You can construct customized messages that speak to various groups of potential buyers using ad targeting—choices such as demographic information, region, language, and even online behaviors—and pay only for the viewers you want to reach.

* * *

Social media use in this digital age is no longer optional; it is a necessity.

If entrepreneurs, marketers, and bloggers take advantage of social media to the fullest, it can be highly beneficial for their business.

If your business is not using social media, you must plan your strategy as soon as possible or risk falling behind.

More Resources on Social Media Strategy

How to Make Sure Your Social Media Strategy Succeeds: Take a Cross-Discipline Approach

Future-Proof Your Social Media Strategy Through Smart Measurement [B2B Forum]

Five Best-Practices for B2B Social Media Influencer Marketing

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